Mission and Vision

Sharing the Love of God

Our Church's mission is to Teach the Word of God, Share the Love of God, and Reach the people of God, in line with the Great Commission given by Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). We aim to build a family that is united in love, worships God in truth and Spirit, demonstrates the love of God through compassion, and shares the light of His hope to lead people to Christ. Our Church's logo represents the purpose of our calling: lead people to the Cross to meet Christ and to begin a journey with Him to eternity.

We strive to share the Gospel message and make disciples of all nations, by committing to the study, interpretation, and dissemination of the Bible. Our goal is to demonstrate Christ's selfless love through our interactions with our members and our service to the community. We seek to foster a supportive community where people are welcomed, encouraged, and supported to grow in their faith and uplift His name.

Mission Statement:

“Reaching the Lost, Reviving the Souls, Renewing the Minds, Rebuilding Lives”

Fundamental Truths

What We Believe

Divine Inspiration and the Holy Trinity

We believe in the divine inspiration of Scripture, affirming that the Holy Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God, guiding us in faith and practice. We worship the one true God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each unique in nature yet united in purpose and love.

Redemption Through Jesus Christ

Central to our faith is the redemption through Jesus Christ, God's Son, who lived a sinless life, died on the cross, and rose again, conquering death and sin. We joyfully accept the free gift of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

Baptism and the Spiritual Gifts

We practice baptism by immersion, symbolizing the believer's identification with Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. We also believe in the baptism in the Holy Spirit, evidenced by the manifestation of spiritual gifts, including speaking in tongues, as a vital aspect of spiritual growth.

Sanctification and the Church Body

Sanctification is a lifelong process, enabling believers to become more Christ-like in character and actions. We view the Church as the Body of Christ, comprised of diverse members called to unity and love, and we uphold the divinely ordained ministry for the equipping of believers.

Divine Healing and Christ's Second Coming

We believe in divine healing, both physical and spiritual, as a demonstration of God's compassion and power. We affirm the resurrection of those who died in Christ, and eagerly anticipate the second coming of Christ to establish His Kingdom on earth.

Final Judgment and New Creation

Our faith encompasses the final judgment, where the righteous will inherit eternal life and the wicked will be eternally separated from God. We look forward to the creation of a new heaven and earth, where God will dwell with His people in perfect harmony, free from sin and suffering.