Thomas Mathew

Assistant Pastor

Brief info

Pastor Thomas Mathew was born and bought up in a nominal Orthodox Jacobite family. As the first born of seven siblings, his parents wanted him to become an Orthodox priest. By God’s grace, both of his parents were the first from their village to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ in the early 1960's. Because of their new faith, they faced many difficulties from relatives as well as the Orthodox church. Nevertheless, they followed Christ faithfully and by God’s grace, all of their children are born again, spirit filled Christians serving the Lord in different parts of the world.Pastor Mathew was saved at a young age and dedicated his life for the Lord's ministry. He started a ministryin his own village by distributing tracts and by open air preaching. God would lead him to study the Word in Shalom Bible School, Kottayam, Kerala and also attend Doon Bible College, Dehra Dun, Uttar Pradhesh, where he completed his bachelor’s degree in theology. After his education, he had the burden to pioneer a work in an area unreached by the Gospel. After much prayer, the Holy Spirit led him to the state of Rajasthan, one of the hardest places for the Gospel to penetrate in India. Today, thousands of villages still remain unreached.

In 1975 he married Saramma Thomas, who was herself, born in a Pentecostal family and involved in many youth activities at her church in central Kerala. She dedicated her life to be a missionary’s wife in Rajasthan and they both started this journey by faith as a family, looking to Jesus who is the author and finisher of their faith. For many years, they faced great opposition and trials in the mission field of Rajasthan, including financial struggle, starvation, and persecution by enemies of the Gospel and Hindu fundamentalists. For example, in 1977 they went without food for 14 days while Saramma was 8 months pregnant with their first child. But the Lord was faithful to provide for them and protect them during this time. In the mid 1980's, with a vision from the Lord, Pastor Mathew and family moved to the Aravali mountain region,where thousands of people were living in the jungles without the light of Christ. In order to live among the tribal people, Pastor Thomas and Saramma sent their 10-yr old son and 8-yr old daughter to complete their schooling in Udaipur, while they lived 100 km away from the city. They undertook this challenge to live there without a proper house with water or electricity or any other normal luxuries of life.

For the last 23 years, by God’s strength and mercy, the mission work is going very well and hundreds of villagers have become followers of Jesus Christ. The Lord has expanded the ministry over several villages with 40 church gatherings and five worship centers. There is also a small Bible School for village youth, a children’s home with 35 children, and 80 children attend non-formal education centers. The Lord is adding more souls to His kingdom through his miraculous power.